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2 Mile Track by Liesel Weapon

Writer's picture: ChrisChris

Been awhile since I could orchestrate a decent tracking challenge for Liesel Weapon. Kat Roos laid a nice long track for her to navigate today:

2 miles aged over an hour. Double blind (I had no idea where they went). Track went up a steep grade then down the other side -- down a dirt road -- over a well used bridge -- through brush down to the river bank.

Took Liesel about an hour to complete (would have been faster if her human anchor didn't slow her down on the steep terrain). As you can see in the analytics she pretty much traced the route minus the 1 section where I gave her a minute to drink from the river...after a few gulps she snapped back to odor and cut the corner before blasting through the brush to find Kat chilling by the river.

That little German Shepherd loves the hunt. Watching her do her thing in the fall temps and colors Montana has to offer wasn't too bad for me either... #lieselweapon #manhunter #runyourpack


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