Well we had a very nice fall this year. With the first freeze and snow comes a shift in protocol on the property. Hoses get put away, the lawnmower settles in for hibernation and the wood stove rolls 24/7 to keep the yurt toasty for lessons. Mariah Carey is on standby ready to belt out Xmas tunes and my kids start quoting Home Alone… I (Chris) have been in Missouri filming for NePoPo® last week and will be returning next week to lend a hand at New Silver School. Caleaha and Andrew and I have also been white boarding a new series of nose work classes with hopes of growing a club here to aim for detection competitions.
Joining us on property during this busy time of weather/holiday transition is a dynamic group of board and train students as well! Meet the students currently in for both foundational obedience as well as advanced off leash obedience:
OWSLEY : Bernes Mountain Dog
DUNLOP : Malinois
TIA : Lab
ASHOKA : Pitbull
BLUE : Aussie
BUBBLES : Cane Corso